Renovate safely, avoid risks and high expenses!

Home renovation insurance protects you, your neighbours, your home, workers, equipment, and much more, while you are making your dreams come true.

Home Renovation Insurance: Amazing Insurer For Your Safety

A renovation insurance policy is designed to provide cover for these risks, ensuring you are not left out of pocket if something goes wrong. Depending on your policy, renovation insurance covers a wide range of scenarios, from a serious fire damaging the entire property to a collapsed wall or even malicious damage to property caused only by forced entry.

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WHY Home Renovation Insurance

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Home renovation insurance covers the additional risks associated with renovation work.

Fail to secure proper insurance during renovations, and you risk catastrophic losses. Without specialized home renovation insurance, both the building and its contents lack protection against unforeseen damages.

Leaving your property unoccupied? Unoccupied property insurance becomes a necessity, guarding against vandalism and theft.

Neglect employer liability insurance at your peril if you hire workers—any accident could lead to ruinous legal and financial consequences.

Home Renovation Insurance
Home Renovation Insurance

The Coverage of Home Renovation Insurance

During renovation work, your property is exposed to additional risks that are not typically covered under standard home insurance policies. For example, your home might be left unoccupied, building materials could be damaged, or there could be accidental damage to your existing property.

Home renovation insurance typically includes

  1. building insurance to cover the existing structure and any new works, 
  2. public liability insurance to cover you and other insurers if you’re legally liable for injury or property damage,
  3. employers liability insurance if you’re employing people to work on your property.

It can also cover contents home insurance cover renovations, although the level of cover can vary depending on the policy and the extent of the renovation. For instance, if you’re renovating the kitchen, your policy might offer cover for your kitchen units.

If the property is going to be left unoccupied for any period during the renovation, you might need unoccupied property insurance.

Home Renovation Insurance


How much does renovation insurance cost?

The cost of renovation insurance varies widely depending on the scope of your renovation project, the value of your property, and the specific insurance provider. Compare quotes from different insurers to get a good deal.

What insurance do I need to renovate my house?

While undergoing renovations, you will need a specific home renovation insurance policy that covers the building work, and any contents, and also includes public liability insurance. You also require unoccupied property insurance if your home is left unoccupied during the renovation. Finally, if you employ individuals to carry out the work, you need employer liability insurance.

Does building insurance cover renovation?

Standard building insurance typically does not cover renovation projects. Any structural changes, major building works, or instances where the property is left unoccupied for an extended period may not be covered under a standard policy. This is why specific renovation insurance is necessary during such projects.

Employers Liability Insurance

If you hire people to carry out the renovation work, you will need employer liability insurance. It covers the cost of compensation if an employee gets injured or ill because of the work they’re doing for you.

Legal Expenses

Specific renovation insurance policies provide cover for legal expenses, helping to protect you financially in these situations.

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You might face legal action from a neighbour because of damage caused by renovations to their property, or disputes might arise with your contractor.

Property Owners Liability

Property owners liability cover is a vital part of any renovation insurance. It provides cover if you are held legally responsible for bodily injury or property damage caused to a third party. For example, if a wall collapses and damages a neighbour’s car, property owners liability can cover the cost of the damages.

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